Tell us how you chose the name Nosego and the relationship it has with your art?
A: My name developed over the course of a few years. It was originally “Nose” from when I was introduced to graffiti. With time I decided to add the first two letters of my last name therefore creating “Nosego”.
Many street artists have begun their artistic life with graffiti and then started doing walls. Has it been it the same way for you too? Did your art start with walls or did they come after?
A: I would say it was a little of both. I started painting walls in 2004 around my final year of high school, but had traditional painting lessons beforehand. I went to a creative and performing arts high school so painting was part of the daily curriculum for those four years.
What kind of training did you receive and what else has influenced your artistic choices?
A: Around 2005 I found out about an artist by the name of Pose 2, who was known for painting murals but came from a graffiti background. At the time he was giving lessons and I began to learn from him and paint with him and a few other local artists. The learning at that time was very organic.
Your images are evocative and surreal. We really like how you manage to combine landscapes, animals and patterns in a single subject. What brought about this stylistic choice? Where do the images you create come from?
A: Thank you. Overall it all stems from my childhood and the way I fashioned my toys in my toy box.
The disordered toys some times at first glance gave the appearance of one piece rather than the multiples it consisted of.
The different moments that make up the composition is inspired by the way we learn and how we carry those lessons with us.
Your art is both illustrative and "electric" as in the name of the current Roman exhibition, Electric Breeze. Why did you choose this title and how did you develop this concept in your works?
A: My friend Leah helped me create the title. I came up with the Breeze part and when she mentioned “Electric Breeze” I loved it.
Is there a particular message you want to convey with your art?
A: Sometimes, but overall I want the work to have a feeling. I much rather the viewers create their own meaning or message.