A walk in Venexia publishing house's creator

Chiara Orlandini is an entrepreneur who, twenty years ago, decided to create “Venexia”, a publishing house which was born from her love for culture and the desire to spread ancient knowledge. Venexia’s motto is taken by the archaeologist Schiaparelli: “Preserving what has been created to last means joining the forces of eternity”. It deals with different themes: Ancient Esotericism, Archeology, anthropology and female spirituality, Mythology and Orientalism, Body / mind / spirit, Ufology. Chiara Orlandini’s roman house is filled with Varsi’s art.

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How did you meet Varsi?

Varsi is the result of a collaboration with my son Massimo Scrocca who seven years ago proposed to me the idea to open an art gallery aimed above all at Urban Art. For a period we worked together on this wonderful project that is now entirely his.

What added value do Varsi’s art gives to the spaces of your home?

Varsi’s art has revolutionized my home, making it much more alive. There is no person who, on entering, does not stop to admire these artworks and who is not impressed by the energy they transmit.


How do you choose the works to be included in your collection? What strikes you at first glance of a work?

Before Varsi, I would have replied that I loved only a fairly classic figurative. Following the artists and their research has made me evolve to completely different themes and compositions. The first impact with a work for me, however, occurs through the emotions it generates. A work must not stop at its superficial image but must provoke the desire to deepen various layers of reading: a how, when and why articulated that tell a story. In short, a kind of book on one page.

What is the work of your Varsi collection that you could no longer image your house without?

I have a very large work by Alice Pasquini that dominates my stairs. To create it, Alice used wood and signs collected around Rome. There is no day that it doesn’t makes me happy.