


Ti aspettiamo, qualche ora prima dell’evento per festeggiare i 10 anni di Varsi, per un breve workshop rivolto a chi desidera avvicinarsi al mondo della legatoria artigianale.

In un incontro di due ore avrai modo di imparare le tecniche base per realizzare a mano due notebook a partire dalle carte di recupero ricavate dalle produzioni artistiche del laboratorio di serigrafia di Varsi.

QUANDO: 01.06.23
DOVE: VARSI Art&Lab / Via di Affogalasino,34 Roma
ORARIO / DURATA: 2 ORE / 15:00 – 17:00

Not Available

Artist info


SHE.LAB is a creative studio specializing in editorial design and the art of handcrafted bookbinding born in 2019 from the idea of designer Paola Pompili with the aim of creating a reality that would become a referral point for book and paper object lovers, thanks to the experimentation of different techniques, materials, and supports. The ten-year collaboration with Galleria Varsi in Rome has evolved over time, making She.Lab an essential component of this project. Starting from January 2022, in fact, She.Lab works inside Varsi Art&Lab's laboratory and embody, together with the screen printing studio 56Fili and the design studio Base/34, its artisanal and productive side. In this space, Paola Pompili and bookbinder Claudia Mosena (who joins the project in 2022) work in synergy to design and create products that feature research, craftsmanship, and uniqueness as their strengths. The studio opens outward during workshops and becomes a place for sharing and disseminating manual skills and traditional workmanship dedicated to the world of bookbinding.

More info


• 2 fascicoli singoli rilegati con 3 e 5 punti.


Gli strumenti e i materiali necessari vengono forniti in sede e saranno a disposizione per tutta la durata del workshop. Qualora scegliessi di acquistare l’opzione CORSO + KIT porterai a casa con te tutti gli strumenti utilizzati:

Shipping rates

For more information, please visit the Shipping Rates page on our website.