
Inside Matteo and Tommaso's coworking space

ALA/34 was born in 2017 from an idea by Matteo and Tommaso Salini.

A space of innovation, a garden where you can share knowledge and experiences, contaminating one another and putting yourself at stake. Ala/34 is an environment in which figures such as start-upper, accountants, digital agencies, graphic designers, photographers, architects, designers, web developers and video makers coexist, a world full of skills that want to get out of the ordinary and deal with other professionals. Here Varsi found its home; our prints and artworks have become an integral part of Ala/34 co-workers’ daily routine.

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Presentations: let’s introduce Matteo and Tommaso Salini!

M: Matteo, born in 1988, Ala/34 co-founder, works in the business field. He is the co-working administrative manager. Consulting/34 is his studio, specialized in Start-up management, innovative PMI and companies operating in the digital world.

T: Class ’94,  Ala/34 co-founder, is an industrial designer and he imagined and created the space concept for the design of this co-working space located in Via di Affogalasino 34 in Rome. He is the artistic soul of the duo. Passionate about the underground world, he deals with the co-working artistic direction, where his design studio Base/34 is also located.

How did the desire to create Ala / 34 come about, and what is its purpose?

Ala / 34 was born from the need to work in a context where you can share ideas and projects with freelancers workers operating in different fields. The idea comes from two completely different personalities with the same goal of opening the doors to new opportunities to create community and networking. Outside the box of a classic office, we wanted to create a place where it is possible to deal with different realities and people who can bring about an improvement and possible collaborations.

How important is the quality of the space you work in?

The quality of the space is fundamental for those who live it daily. Right from the start our idea was to create a convivial, cozy atmosphere that would allow co-workers to work with a smile on their face. The presence of plants and art inside our space promotes concentration because of the feeling of peace they transmit.

How did you meet Varsi?

We met Varsi 5 years ago, when Tommaso started working as a stand builder for the gallery. Due to the close collaboration we immediately proposed to start to work together finding the right pieces to insert in our space.

Do you think that being surrounded by artworks in the place in which you spend most of your day can be considerate an added value?

Indeed! Being surrounded by these artworks, we have the pleasure to “live with”, give to us and to all our co-workers the chance to work in an colorful and interesting environment that change its shape almost every week and that can stimulate new way of thinking and points of view.

What is your favorite artwork in your space and why?

Our favorite piece is the wall Ciredz painted in our garden. It gave character and color to the industrial front of our space, which was pretty dark at the begin. These wall was painted in the same period of the artist’s solo-show at Galleria Varsi in 2017, when Ala/34 opened its doors for the first time.